Do not forget that Biden and Harris only followed Trump's footsteps. Trump calls himself father of vaccines. Have you forgotten he authorized modernization of flu vaccines as President? And never fired Fauci? Operation Warp Speed, military development and research in unholy alliance with pharmaceuticals? The proclamation of UN Day in defiance of the Constitution to 50 governors to honor United Nations Day. And the unConstitutional emergency declaration that locked down businesses and bankrupted mom and pop shops? Then signed the stimulus package to fund the tyrants, Democrats and Republicans, to undermine the constitution and have governors mandate policy as Law? And never withheld funds from tyrant Democrats but they were funded instead!????? Americans, especially Massie lovers, don't be so blindfolded that you don't use discernment and vote for traitor Trump or traitor Democrats? Still asleep

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We have had numerous exchange students from all over the world, but our German exchange students have one character which may explain Trump. Our German exchange students never think maybe their school mates might be tricking or just playing a joke on them.

Another characteristic which shared by our Germen and Japanese exchange students is that, they are almost "waiting" for our decisions and order to go ahead and do the next task, and they did always do a good job.

Maybe that is why Germen and Japanese had been USED in WW2. Because they never ask "Why"? They are just very determined to do a good job.

I love love love and miss them very much. What delightful kids.

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If doing a good job means to appease evil, they will be used by the sinister force. You are right 👍

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Maybe you and I (Chinese) have had old & long torturous and bloody history drummed into our brains, we might not jump into the fire as easily?

Notice, Xi is just slow waltzing around observing. "Made in China" stuff had "deliberately" made China richer and stronger, but Xi is not moving.

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The dems are ‘tolerant’ until you disagree with them

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I’m curious about the “emergency use authorization” (EUA). It’s history, precedent, and especially where that authority was derived from. I think that’s a question that I would love to ask Mr Massey. I believe that he would be the only person who would answer it honestly.

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They run away from anyone who tries to make the comparison of the freedom to choose for their own body in abortion and the vaccines they required everyone to take or lose their very livelihood

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Let's not forget that women are complicit in this charade.

I know many who refused the vaccine. Almost all were men.

Women are much more likely to: 1)do as they're told, 2) follow the crowd,

3) not do their own research, 4) be fearful.

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"Threat to democracy" Every American should be adamantly a threat to democracy in America!

This nation's charter clearly openly proudly states "Republic." Makes their line very obvious in purpose.

Elections don't mean "democracy." Do communist / Marxist / socialist nations have elections too?

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Sep 19·edited Sep 19

The Obiden-Harris regime launched Darpa Braini in which tens of thousands have been brain

chipped and tortured for the theft of cognition that is being gifted to oligarchs & corporations. Then before leaving office to cover crimes and continue theft he psssed this: https://t.co/y7F7vGGxpt

This is pure predation and a silent Holocaust that Congress is funding and ignoring. This govt. has LITERALLY GIFTED HUMAN COGNITION TO RICH PEOPLE. And earlier this year Congress Expanded FISA TO ALLOW COLLECTION OF BRAIN WAVES IN PUBLIC. There is a literal ARMY OF STUPIDS WALKING AROUND HARVESTING BRAIN WAVES AND NO ONE KNOWS. https://t.co/y7F7vGGxpt

And no one is doing anything about it. A whistleblower found out about plans to chip me and went to



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The big lie is that it is not just your body. It is the body within you. This major piece of this reality is always overlooked and played down. Whether they (women) realize it or not, they are allowing the “village” mentality. Who has now become corrupt government to use that village to violently kill their own innocent children. The other person within them!

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Doesn't anyone that wants to work for her campaign HAVE to be vaxxed??

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