It’s sad, that our government just makes me sick! So Orwellian, with what they want. It’s propagandized so many through these platforms, and other countries that are either enemies or allies.

I pray that free speech and our other freedoms won’t be taken away by this current corrupt government regime. I will never comply and a willing to fight to the death to retain our freedom! Every human (no matter where they live) should have freedom of speech, and choice. I don’t care if it’s political, religious or otherwise.

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I remember when Australian Attorney-General.(2013 to 2017.) George Brandis stated during a debate about freedom of speech that "...people do have a right to be bigots...", I was personally enraged at (what then appeared to be) his arrogant hubris - so were the Australian media and a large swathe of the population. But now I see the context of his comment in that to legislate against public commentary is to enable the slippery slide for governments to conduct censorship into every aspect of critical thinking that appears on every media source. Such legislation is Orwellian!

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It’s interesting that China censors & only allows wholesome content for their children. Our government’s censorship is never directed at children’s exposure to porn, violence, transgenderism or other harmful content. In fact the disregard appears purposeful to the destruction of our society. I think our bigger enemy is from within.

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If they ban TikTok they need to ban Facebook. Talk about censorship and manipulation!

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Cia and the British Tavestack institute had been using mind control technology to brainwash and experiment on American civilians even before Mao was planted in China by traitors in US. The title " China brainwashing generation Z through Tik Tok makes it a propaganda half-truth that distracts the blame and puts it only on China's shoulder

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People are vulnerable to propaganda when they are denied access to the truth.

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For Republicans such as myself, I see Trump under constant threat and the target of 2 assassination attempts, where he was shot and one American was killed. But does he bend to the will of the left and stand down? NO! Yet, when there is a measure like the SAVE ACT where Congress can actually stand up for a measure to get the Democrats in the Senate to explain why they won't put it to a vote, The media reports tell us you and two other Republicans in the House say you won't vote for a CR, since your principles just won't allow additional spending. But what difference does it make? The Democrats will be in sync as always and pass it. So, your symbolic no vote is all bullshit. Today is the vote, and perhaps it is time to drop the useless and inconsequential vote against the CR, (since you know it will pass) and you and the rest of the Republicans might just make a difference and pass the CR because of the SAVE ACT. Then seriously fight, for it - ALL REPUBLICANS IN BOTH CHAMBERS! You have the purse, over 258 Republicans, and if together, for once, get in sync and all stand in front of the Senate and demand a VOTE! If you fail here, we all fail.

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Everywhere I go I hear the name G.Sorros.who is this man, and why is he funding antifa?

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A diet of donuts only can kill ya.. thus good parenting restricts that.. they must also do it for all media.

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I’m not on tik tok, but all the millennials around me are. Seems everyone under 45 is on tik tok.

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I have to disagree with this article. I get a lot of useful information from TIKTOK that I will never get from corporate media. I can see what is really happening around the world. The UK is burning and corporate won’t mention it, and when they do they classify the protest as “far right”. Britain has been invaded and is losing its beautifully unique culture.

We need alternative sources of information. I can’t even stomach to watch any “news” program in this country. It is filled with bias propaganda or pointless stories about the local football team.

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